From novem, or nine in Latin, Novena's 9 candles stand over the melting ice and reference the ancient practice of mourning nine days after the death of a loved one
Watercolors recording extent of multi-year ice at 5 yr intervals are sewn onto canvases formatted as Tibetan Prayer Flags to encourage seeing the climate emergency through a spiritual lens.
Extent of multi-year arctic ice in summer at three points in time 15 years apart: 1981, 1996 and 2011. 2011 is the tiny white stripe with 2011 in red at the bottom
Kivalina , Alaska will be the First US Town to go Underwater (in 2025) according to the US Army Corp of Engineers
Rosie, who is almost 7 ft tall and can stand on her own, worked in Boston Climate Action Network's campaign to start Boston's municipal aggregation program now called Community Choice Electricity
Mary B was stalwart in resistance to the West Roxbury Lateral Pipeline, an unnecessary high pressure gas pipeline ending across from a granite quarry actively engaged in blasting.